Sustainable Development
Ecovadis Certification
Corporate Social Responsibility
Silver Medal

In 2021, Nanjing Golden Chemical achieved an excellent score of 56 points in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) assessment conducted by EcoVadis, an international authoritative CSR rating agency, was awarded a silver medal. This score successfully enables Golden Chemical to exceed 74% of its peer companies worldwide.

EcoVadis considers companies holistically on four dimensions: environment, labor human rights, business ethics, sustainable procurement.

Based on EcoVadis' assessment results, many large multinational companies are able to find companies with excellent CSR performance to cooperate with.

1. Environmental, Human Rights, and Health and Safety Policy

We are committed to environmentally sustainable business practices. By constantly improving and implementing sound principles, we can develop and grow while reducing negative impacts on the environment.

Through an environmental management system (EMS) established based on ISO 14001:2015, we have defined environmental management principles, obligations, quantitative targets and indicators, and assessment and acceptance methods that can be implemented by the Company, including:

1.1. Climate change and carbon emissions reduction

We uphold a low-carbon and circular economy. We will strive to reduce carbon emissions from all our operations and develop a long-term carbon reduction strategy.

1.2. Sustainable procurement and resource utilization

We have developed a sustainable procurement policy that prioritizes the use of reusable materials/packaging. We practice waste recycling, engage our suppliers, employees, and other stakeholders in sustainable development, and offer training and incentives to improve relevant awareness and encourage responsible actions.

1.3. Waste reduction and pollution prevention

We constantly improve our EMS to reduce waste and prevent pollution in everything we do, including the reduction of solid and liquid waste and odor pollution during procurement and transportation. We have developed emergency response procedures and plans to prevent the negative impacts of emergencies on the environment.

1.4. Constantly improving our environmental management and performance

We adopt the needs and expectations of interested parties relevant to our EMS as compliance obligations and comply with all such obligations applicable to our organization. We assess the environmental impacts of all past, present, and potential future operations, and keep exploring ways to improve our environmental performance.

1.5. Social responsibility awareness

We aim to enhance our employees' awareness of social responsibility, encourage them to join our CSR initiatives, and train them to deal with environmental issues. We hope that all our suppliers and contractors will follow similar environmental standards and assist customers in using products and services in an eco-friendly way. Through training and the distribution of relevant materials, we communicate our environmental principles, goals, and indicators to employees and external stakeholders.

1.6. Our commitments to environmental protection

1.6.1. When purchasing equipment and products that involve environmental elements, we select suppliers whose products are certified by an environmental protection agency and suppliers that have received EMS certifications.

1.6.2. Conserving resources (water and electricity), reducing energy waste and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions, doing garbage sorting, minimizing waste discharge, recycling waste in accordance with the law, and keeping proper records of waste disposal, during our day-to-day operations. Reducing the impact of noise on nearby communities.

1.6.3. Streamlining office processes, minimizing the use of printers and copiers and office consumables, and encouraging duplex printing and paperless offices.

1.6.4. Our employees must strictly follow the company's policies on environment, labor rights and human rights, and safety.

1.6.5. When visiting customers or suppliers, our employees must strictly follow their EHS regulations.

1.6.6. Working with our upstream and downstream partners to promote sustainable development and procurement and create a green and sustainable supply chain.

1.6.7. Giving top priority to environmental protection and the health and safety of our employees while ensuring strict compliance with the relevant laws and regulations of China.

1.7. Environmental targets and indicators

1.7.1. Reduce waste and pollution and sort all waste into the right bins for recycling;

1.7.2. Conserve energy and improve energy use efficiency;

1.7.3. Minimize the consumption of non-renewable resources;

1.7.4. Shipping carriers' 100% compliance with vehicle emission standards;

1.7.5. Zero illicit discharge incidents by shipping carriers;

1.7.6. Assess annual environmental performance against the above indicators and record the results.

1.8. Audit and acceptance

We have received the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems certification. Every year, we conduct regular internal audits and accept the annual external audit.

2. Labor and Human Rights Policy

2.1. Working conditions

We give employees the right to rest and recuperate and offer them fair compensation and benefits.

2.2. Prohibition of child labor

We prohibit child labor as defined in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Minimum Age Convention (No. 138). However, the minimum age for employment in China (16 years) shall apply because the higher minimum standard must be obeyed where there is a difference between the international convention (minimum age of 15 years) and the law of the country where we operate our business.

2.3. Prohibition of forced Labor

2.3.1. Every worker must have freedom of movement.

2.3.2. No worker should pay for work.

2.3.3. Never default on workers' wage payments or force them to work.

2.4. Prohibition of discrimination

We prohibit discrimination based on race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, union membership, disability, nationality, social origin, age, or other status.

2.5. Prohibition of harassment

We prohibit any physical contact or verbal threats that may cause physical or mental harm in the workplace. We prohibit any intimidating or abusive conduct directed at our employees. We prohibit supervisors from making any unwelcome physical contact or using offensive language that may constitute suspicious sexual harassment against their subordinates.

2.6. Freedom of association

We respect employees' right to join or not join a union.

2.7. Human rights-related targets and indicators of labor

2.7.1. Zero use of child labor;

2.7.2. Zero forced labor incidents;

2.7.3. Zero discrimination and harassment incidents;

2.7.4. Signing of employment contracts with all employees;

2.7.5. Provision of training to all employees.

2.8. Audit and acceptance

We conduct regular internal CSR audits and accept the annual external CSR audit every year.